https://www.isuzucomlen.com/ ha inviato un aggiornamento 3 anni, 6 mesi fa
Compressors are mechanical devices used to increase pressure in
a variety of compressible fluids, or gases, the most common of these being air. Compressors are used throughout industry to
provide shop or instrument air; to power air tools, paint sprayers, and abrasive blast equipment; to phase shift refrigerants
for air conditioning and refrigeration; to propel gas through pipelines; etc. As with pumps, compressors are divided into
centrifugal (or dynamic or kinetic) and positive-displacement types; but where pumps are predominately represented by
centrifugal varieties, compressors are more often of the positive- displacement type. They can range in size from the fits-
in-a-glovebox unit that inflates tires to the giant reciprocating or turbocompressor machines found in pipeline service.
Positive-displacement compressors can be further broken out into reciprocating types, where the piston style predominates,
and rotary types such as the helical screw and rotary vane.